+2348063019092 | +2348063392041 info@proda.gov.ng

Meet Mr. Onu Caius Chukwudi

Caius is a product of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka; where he had his First and Masters degrees in Ceramics, and currently a doctoral student of the same university and discipline.

He was employed in PRODA as a Senior Research Officer and because of his outstanding technical proficiency and sound theoretical knowledge that culminate in a well echoed professional purity, he headed the Raw Material Processing Unit, supervised production from start to finish upon resumption of duty. Within a couple of years, he became the head of pottery division, developed new models of jug and vases and generated their moulds. He has served and still serving in many research and administrative committees in the Institute, initiated and heads departmental research projects.

He has undertaken consultancy services in electric porcelain insulator production, resuscitation of collapsed ceramics industry, local ceramic raw material exploration, and ceramics kiln refractory bricks production.

For more than a decade, he has taught Ceramics Workshop Techniques, Ceramics Technology and Mould Making and supervised projects in the Department of Ceramic Technology, Institute of Management and technology Enugu (IMT) in a joint National Diploma Programme with PRODA-Enugu.

He is a member of Ceramics Research Association of Nigeria (CERAN) and Material Society of Nigeria (MSN). He was recently made the acting head of Ceramics Research and Production Department.
