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PRODA carry out a systematic process of investigation and inquiry designed to expand knowledge, solve problems, or discover new information through data collection, analysis, and interpretation in relevant fields.


Our (R&D) is tailored to a structured, creative effort aimed at improving existing products, processes, or creating new ones by exploring innovative ideas, conducting experiments, and testing hypotheses for the benefits of the mankind.



Here at PRODA there is  application of scientific and mathematical principles to design, create, and optimize practical solutions, systems, or products, addressing societal needs and challenges across various domains.

Departments in PRODA

Each department is structured into divisions that facilitate the achievement of the programmes of the department.  Within each programmme are various projects and activities which are tailored towards achieving the overall mandate of the Institute.  Research and Development Projects/Programmes undertaken by the Institute have been dictated largely by one or more of the following:

  • Ministerial/Government directives.
  • Actual requests/drives from the industry
  • Individual OPS contract(s).
  • Collaborating Establishments (especially Universities and Tertiary Institutions);
  • Internal reflections of set Government national development priorities;
  • Internal needs. (To solve specific problems).

The following are our Departments:


Introduction to PRODA

PRODA’s engagement in innumerable demand-driven research, over the last 40 years, has led to innovative breakthroughs and made tremendous impact diverse sectors of the economy – agro-allied, construction, chemical, energy, metallurgical, electrical/electronic, automotive, ceramics, etc.

Through collaborations and partnerships, PRODA has established cottage industries in various communities, and supervised over one thousand (1000) Constituency Projects from which over four hundred thousand jobs have been created nationwide. Though these performance indicators have demonstrated the Institute’s capacity to mass produce, and commercialize, the products of research and development, much still has to be done to successfully commercialize these findings and make them competitive locally and globally.

Latest News

PRODA Game Festival 2024

PRODA Game Festival 2024

Engr. Peter Ogbobe, the Director-General of the Project Development Institute (PRODA) in Enugu, highlighted the role of sports in fostering unity during the opening of the PRODA Games Festival. According to Dr. Ogbobe, the festival is designed to promote camaraderie,...

From The DG’s Desk

peter ogbobe

To develop physical and interllectual infrastructures in order to ascend to a globally inclusive Research Organization that creates, dissipates and conserves cutting edge knowledge which will spur inventions, interventions and innovations that will technologically transform our nation and increase the scale of high quality and high impact research that contributes to economic vitality, sustainability and the quality of life in our country.

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